Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comissions, Shifting Gears, and a Land Slide

Well... you guys made it pretty flipping clear that you wanted more Fallout Krystal.
in a 40 to 1 spread. That 1 person just not caring.
(also pretty surprised 41 people not only voted but are still actively checking out my stuff)

That said, I guess I'll get to work on doing a few more shoots. Hopefully I'll have two up for the month of October. In the process of moving my shiznet though along with a few other projects so please bear with me.

THAT ALL SAID... I've been bouncing around making some of my first commissions ever to some fantastic artists. I've seen a few of the finished results and I really thing you're really going to like them. (if not their must be something wrong with your brain because this shit is off the HOOK)

You may notice that I'll be starting to shift gears a little. I can't really continue being 'Fallout Krystal guy' forever. Frankly it's getting a bit stale so I'll be mixing it up as I work to build what's, as far as I know, a first.
All shall become clear once those commissions start rolling in.

You want more krystal
You get more Krystal
Inbound commissions ("squad broken!")
Starting to shift focus

Questions, Comments, Juvenile remarks?

Oh!  And if you know of any other great 'toon' artists I don't have on my favorites or anyone you think I missed, let me know.  Scream it from the mountains!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Location Scouting

Got a place you think is flavorful and interesting that I havn't used yet?
Well give me a shout out in the comments section or via my latest journal posting on FA and tell me what you'd like to see!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well I told you guys there'd be another set.  What I DIDN'T tell you was that it'd be a double feature.  So saddle up Harv because we've got a two scenarios, yet they're two sides of the same coin...
(left side one, right the other)


A bitch and a bad end. 
This was a rather interesting one to do.  I've had this place scouted for a while and a costume selected, but once I got there it took a while to figure out what I actually wanted to do.

The big 00

Well, I've emptied my gallery on blogspot.  Hopefully some people will show up, maybe leve a comment or two.  Who knows?
Until then here is my 100th image and an animated .gif

New Champions

So I've been part of the Champions beta for a while and decided to fool around with it a bit.  Made a few furry themed 'capes' and I wrestled with the idea of giving the bellow characters origin stories for quite a while and decided 'why the hell not?'  See if you can endure them.  (Much like their names, these are meant to be unoriginal, retarded and campy.  Take that for what you will)

Also, if you want to download the costumes to use yourself you can get them here:

Super Hero Profile: The Caramel Crusader

Making of:
The very first one I turned out. This was completely accidental and I just started goofing around with parts until I had some sort of full bodied cheerleader thing going on.


A shy and otherwise quiet girl early on in life Carameleta Jones hit puberty early with vehicular manslaughter like effects. Upon entering highschool she would quickly become captain of the cheerleading squad. One day while practicing her pyramids she was accidentally dropped on her head. Upon awakening in the schools nurse office she discovered she had telikenetic powers.
The years would pass. She eventually developed her powers in 'private' to the point where she could make simple objects with her mind alone. Upon entering college she would quickly find herself head of the universities cheerleading squad and later her sorority. Upon arriving back to the communal house from a late night run to the adult store she discovered that all her 'sisters' had been drained of their fluids and left for dead. On that day she stood tall and promised to get revenge on the monster that did this to them.

Recommended powerset: Telekinesis
Travel: Acrobatics

Super Hero Profile: FireFox

Making of:
The second 'hero' I made. I wanted to add a lot of feral feel to it (hence all the fur tuffs) while still retaining a super model esque frame. Costume TOTALLY not influenced from Halle Berrys beach scene in Die Another Day.

Throughout her life Cassandra Kerry had always been a fighter. Entering and winning several martial arts events from a young age. However the hardest fight she ever lost was to a mugger while walking home from a film. After demanding her backpack, the mugger quickly fired a single shot into her throat. As she collapsed he carted her to a nearby landfill and took off.
Her vision fading the fire that had burned inside her all these years finally erupted with her last breath incinerating an entire city block to ashes. Looking to aid the weak and downtrodden she can often get on the nerves of local authorities due to her explosive temper.

Recommended powerset: Fire, light dabbling in unmanned martial arts or might
Travel: Fire Flight

Super Hero Profile: FrostByte

Making of:
I started getting bored of the whole frilly/ slutty/ whatever thing and decided I'd refresh myself by doing something a bit different. So I started from scratch (most of these models built into the other) And made a petite muscular girl then started flipping through parts just building a regular hero basically.
When I was done I had something a bit different than this, but still leather clad and assassin-y. From there I started to draw on things I had in my 'special' little folder to help sexually charge her. Ended up channeling a bit of Bernal (evil art nazi)s mojo via Gunbunny along with a bit of Ghost in the Shell to add some cyber punk to it. Color was the hard part afterwards so I looked at what I didn't have yet and purple stood out so BAM! Here we are.

Late one night while watching old cartoons she had stored on her TiVo, a young Amelia Goldburg started noticing some odd flickers on her television in the night, Getting up to adjust the set she was sucked into her digital recording device! Countless shows and reruns started forcing their way into her head. After days of searching her parents gave up, assuming she had finally gotten out of their house. Meanwhile eerie reports from the local cable station started coming in of a ghost like figure that would appear around the complex.
The specter started becoming more and more physical with each appearance to the point where it finally remained solid and didn't dissipate. Having lost nearly all previous memories she asked a nearby janitor for her name. He responded with: "eh... frost bite" for it was February and he was sort of a smart ass.
As she slowly came to terms with her new body, teleportation, supernatural and electric powers, her mind began to unscrew itself, bits and parts of television characters started mixing themselves in with her personality and thoughts to the point where she finally cracked and gave into the voices. Unfortunately a few hours of 'late night' programming also found their way into her head.

Recommended powerset: Electric and Supernatural
Travel: Teleportation

Super Hero Profile: Road Rash

Making of:
Possibly my favorite of the bunch, she started off as some sort of disco chick then she morphed and evolved into this.  Turned out splendidly EYE-EM-OH.

Melissa Wheeler loved running and had been doing it ever since she could remember.  So it came as no surprise to her when she was selected to represent Canada in the Olympic games.  From that day onward all she could think about was running. (Well running and the smooth sounds of Disco)  She trained for hours every day.  Working through muscle aches and tears. 
Finally the big day came.  As she positioned herself she could feel herself center.  This was it, her life started and ended here.  The shot rang throughout the stadium and she pumped her legs as fast as they could go.  Much to the referees surprise she shattered the previous record.  Much to the audiences surprise she ran herself out of existence.  Later that day she would find herself grinded to a halt.  In Brazil.

Recommended powerset:  Unarmed Martial Arts or claws
Travel: Super Speed

(note: she's supposed to have a cat head, but the one avilable wasn't that feline looking)

Super Hero Profile: She Wolf

Making of:
To be fair this was the last 'champion' I created so by that point I was running out of steam and creativity.  Also steam.  Basically took what I already had and said: "Fuck it."  So here we have... something in Lingerie.

Mysterious and quiet.  Quiet and mysterious.  These are words that could easily describe the seductress/ archer only known as 'She Wolf'.  Travailing the country selling secrets and her services she's had a home in many super teams.  None of which seem to hold onto her for long.  What is she seeking, who does she really work for, how does she never run out of arrows, and what's her true hair color?  These are but a few of the questions the tabloids refuse not to ask.

Recommended powerset: Archery
Travel: Swinging

The Librarian

Had a nice secretary outfit and decided I'd try it out so I went ahead and scampered over to the nearest applicable location that would make sense for this sort of thing...


 Set at the Arlington Library, which I hadn't discovered yet. And as I made my way over to that part of the poorly designed city I managed to loose both my legs and somehow my torso.
Really could have done a little more with this, but all the poses I have in my library just seem to repeat themselves across all my stuff (I only have a little over 30 'sexy' ones) so it got kind of boring pretty quick.

High Class Cougar (part 1)

Figured I'd fire up the old FOMM and grind out a new set for you folks. Found a new little swimsuit outfit and wanted to do something I haven't seen too much of (see: any): Krystal in her 'later' years. Thought brought on because basically I don't think I've ever seen someone with this stye of bathing suit under the age of 40.
Slight, quick, poor, and basic shoppen' to try and add a bit of age. Set wasn't really doing anything for me when I started for whatever reason (9 days straight of work does that to you), but hell, maybe you'll enjoy it or something. That said, Roll tape!


Shoot is sort of story/ plot based to a degree I guess.
Also a reflection on all the experience with cougars I've had and where they DIDN'T necessarily go. For some reason older wemenz like me and I wanted all you bitches to know that for whatever reason.

Note: This is in fact her place because I killed everyone in the tower with a godamn bat and fire lance. Then conveniently hid the bodies in the basement with a chained up feral ghoul because I'm kinky like that.

High Class Cougar (part 2)

Well lets get part 2 started off the right way.  With a gratuitous ass shot:


Shoes on the bed, changing into more comfortable attire, radiation poisoning from the beach, and lurking robots aside (the one in the room kept watching me); This is by far my favorite set I've done so far.