Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Hero Profile: The Caramel Crusader

Making of:
The very first one I turned out. This was completely accidental and I just started goofing around with parts until I had some sort of full bodied cheerleader thing going on.


A shy and otherwise quiet girl early on in life Carameleta Jones hit puberty early with vehicular manslaughter like effects. Upon entering highschool she would quickly become captain of the cheerleading squad. One day while practicing her pyramids she was accidentally dropped on her head. Upon awakening in the schools nurse office she discovered she had telikenetic powers.
The years would pass. She eventually developed her powers in 'private' to the point where she could make simple objects with her mind alone. Upon entering college she would quickly find herself head of the universities cheerleading squad and later her sorority. Upon arriving back to the communal house from a late night run to the adult store she discovered that all her 'sisters' had been drained of their fluids and left for dead. On that day she stood tall and promised to get revenge on the monster that did this to them.

Recommended powerset: Telekinesis
Travel: Acrobatics

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