Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Hero Profile: FireFox

Making of:
The second 'hero' I made. I wanted to add a lot of feral feel to it (hence all the fur tuffs) while still retaining a super model esque frame. Costume TOTALLY not influenced from Halle Berrys beach scene in Die Another Day.

Throughout her life Cassandra Kerry had always been a fighter. Entering and winning several martial arts events from a young age. However the hardest fight she ever lost was to a mugger while walking home from a film. After demanding her backpack, the mugger quickly fired a single shot into her throat. As she collapsed he carted her to a nearby landfill and took off.
Her vision fading the fire that had burned inside her all these years finally erupted with her last breath incinerating an entire city block to ashes. Looking to aid the weak and downtrodden she can often get on the nerves of local authorities due to her explosive temper.

Recommended powerset: Fire, light dabbling in unmanned martial arts or might
Travel: Fire Flight

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