Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Hero Profile: FrostByte

Making of:
I started getting bored of the whole frilly/ slutty/ whatever thing and decided I'd refresh myself by doing something a bit different. So I started from scratch (most of these models built into the other) And made a petite muscular girl then started flipping through parts just building a regular hero basically.
When I was done I had something a bit different than this, but still leather clad and assassin-y. From there I started to draw on things I had in my 'special' little folder to help sexually charge her. Ended up channeling a bit of Bernal (evil art nazi)s mojo via Gunbunny along with a bit of Ghost in the Shell to add some cyber punk to it. Color was the hard part afterwards so I looked at what I didn't have yet and purple stood out so BAM! Here we are.

Late one night while watching old cartoons she had stored on her TiVo, a young Amelia Goldburg started noticing some odd flickers on her television in the night, Getting up to adjust the set she was sucked into her digital recording device! Countless shows and reruns started forcing their way into her head. After days of searching her parents gave up, assuming she had finally gotten out of their house. Meanwhile eerie reports from the local cable station started coming in of a ghost like figure that would appear around the complex.
The specter started becoming more and more physical with each appearance to the point where it finally remained solid and didn't dissipate. Having lost nearly all previous memories she asked a nearby janitor for her name. He responded with: "eh... frost bite" for it was February and he was sort of a smart ass.
As she slowly came to terms with her new body, teleportation, supernatural and electric powers, her mind began to unscrew itself, bits and parts of television characters started mixing themselves in with her personality and thoughts to the point where she finally cracked and gave into the voices. Unfortunately a few hours of 'late night' programming also found their way into her head.

Recommended powerset: Electric and Supernatural
Travel: Teleportation

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