Sunday, September 13, 2009

High Class Cougar (part 1)

Figured I'd fire up the old FOMM and grind out a new set for you folks. Found a new little swimsuit outfit and wanted to do something I haven't seen too much of (see: any): Krystal in her 'later' years. Thought brought on because basically I don't think I've ever seen someone with this stye of bathing suit under the age of 40.
Slight, quick, poor, and basic shoppen' to try and add a bit of age. Set wasn't really doing anything for me when I started for whatever reason (9 days straight of work does that to you), but hell, maybe you'll enjoy it or something. That said, Roll tape!


Shoot is sort of story/ plot based to a degree I guess.
Also a reflection on all the experience with cougars I've had and where they DIDN'T necessarily go. For some reason older wemenz like me and I wanted all you bitches to know that for whatever reason.

Note: This is in fact her place because I killed everyone in the tower with a godamn bat and fire lance. Then conveniently hid the bodies in the basement with a chained up feral ghoul because I'm kinky like that.

1 comment:

Try not to be retarded.