Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Hero Profile: She Wolf

Making of:
To be fair this was the last 'champion' I created so by that point I was running out of steam and creativity.  Also steam.  Basically took what I already had and said: "Fuck it."  So here we have... something in Lingerie.

Mysterious and quiet.  Quiet and mysterious.  These are words that could easily describe the seductress/ archer only known as 'She Wolf'.  Travailing the country selling secrets and her services she's had a home in many super teams.  None of which seem to hold onto her for long.  What is she seeking, who does she really work for, how does she never run out of arrows, and what's her true hair color?  These are but a few of the questions the tabloids refuse not to ask.

Recommended powerset: Archery
Travel: Swinging

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